Why Learn Social Studies?

In a plain and simple way, Mr. Beat explains why everyone should learn social studies.
Music by Electric Needle Room (http://electricneedleroom.net) and The Ancient Tapes (https://www.facebook.com/ancienttapes). All images are in the public domain.

Every year I have students who go: “(groan)(whine) ugh, why do have to even learn social studies?” Each time, I would promptly give each of them an answer to this common question. After a few years of teaching, I sometimes get tired of saying the same thing over and over. Therefore, I have now recorded what I have told my students in the past.

There are three main reasons why I believe we should learn social studies.

1. You’re human
2. You live in a society
3. You need to survive

If you were all alone on the planet, then I would discourage you from learning social studies. But until that happens, study history, geography, economics, sociology, psychology, government, civics, religion, law, anthropology, political science, philosophy, archaeology, and all the other social sciences I have not mentioned, so that you and the world will be a much better place, and because the survival of our species depends on it.



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