Influenza | Learn English | Vocabulary Builder

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The influenza virus has been killing people for thousands of years. The virus mutates rapidly, sometimes creating deadly strains against which we have no defence. There is a current deadly strain called swine flu that has been declared a pandemic. Thousands of people have died, and thousands more are expected to die. What are the symptoms? How do you know if you have the virus? How quickly does it spread? Are you going to catch it? If you are in any way worried about the spread of this disease, you should look at this video. This video looks at this disease, examining the symptoms and providing useful medical vocabulary for English language students. If you are serious about improving your English, then perfecting your accent should be an important part of the process. Visit my pronunciation website at where you can download free sample copies of my eBook, An Interactive British English IPA Chart, and the 2000+ question Practice Pack that goes with it. Invest in your future today. If you are serious about improving your English, then perfecting your accent should be an important part of the process. Visit my pronunciation website at where you can download free sample copies of my eBook, An Interactive British English IPA Chart, and the 2000+ question Practice Pack that goes with it. Invest in your future today.


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