Theresa May departs Downing Street for the EU Summit in Brussels.

The French President has been urged not to ‘humiliate’ the Prime Minister but will reject her plea to push Brexit back to June 30 and demand the UK stays until at least Christmas with a number of punitive conditions attached. Mrs May is due to in Brussels this evening where she will give a 90-minute pitch to EU leaders for a short Article 50 extension to do a deal with Labour. She will then be dismissed to dine alone as the 27 leaders discuss her request – but are almost certain to reject in and force a delay lasting between December 31 this year and March 31, 2020. Before taking off for Belgium a frustrated Theresa May blasted MPs for not voting through her EU divorce deal and told them: ‘We could have been out by now’. In Parliament this lunchtime she came under attack from her own MPs with Eurosceptic Henry Smith accusing her of throwing away £1billion-a-month in payment to Brussels if she accepts a longer Article 50 extension tonight. Mrs May hit back: ‘We could have been outside the EU by now if we’d managed to get the deal through Parliament and I’m continuing to work to deliver Brexit’.

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