Programming IoT Gateways in JavaScript with

In this talk +Günter Obiltschnig will introduce (, a new open source platform for programming Linux-based IoT gateway devices. provides a rich programming environment that allows to build modular applications using both JavaScript and C++. Although itself is implemented in C++, based on the POCO C++ Libraries and a couple of other cool frameworks, it integrates the Google V8 JavaScript engine to allow high-level application development in JavaScript.
After a quick overview of, we’ll go through a live demo, followed by a few JavaScript programming examples showing how to obtain sensor data, store it in an on-device SQLite database, visualize it using the built-in web server and transmit it to a server using MQTT. I’ll also talk about the C++-to-JavaScript bridging mechanism, which enables using C++ services from JavaScript without having to manually write glue or wrapper code.


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