Medical Coding for Hernias | Medical Coding Training

Medical Coding for Hernias | Medical Coding Training

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Q: (Coding Hernias) – This is the one I was suppose to answer.
“What are the steps in coding hernias? I missed this on a test question.”

A: So, we got someone preparing for their CPC board exam. What I did is I pulled up my CPT manual and I do a method called “bubbling and highlighting.” If you’re not familiar with it, I think I still have it up when we bring it in to view here. And this is my CPT manual, and in December when I did my Blitz broadcast at Boy’s studio, this was the star of the show, the CPT manual with all the notes on it. Looks a little messy but the concept is to group like codes together; it’s typically apparent code with the indented codes in any parenthetical notes with it.

So, the hernia codes are in the digestive system toward the end and the guidelines are all up here in the top. So, the question wants to know: What do I need to pull out of the report to help me to get the correct code? And so, what we typically do in our class is we try and give you – like up here where I have number 1, age. You want to pull that out of the report. Initial versus recurrent – you want to abstract that from the report. Is it reducible or not? And I’ll talk about that in a second, and location – where is it? So that’s what I have on the answer sheet.

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