HTML Tutorial for Beginners

Learn HTML FAST from a professional developer. This course will get you into the career of web development. You’ll learn HTML, CSS, & Javascript using modern tools so you won’t be embarrassed on your first job interview!

script type="text/javascript" src="">

IMPORTANT! If you ONLY want a website for yourself or your business, DO NOT learn all this stuff…it’s a waste of your time.
Instead, click here: to go to WIX ADI Wix is by far the easiest and cheapest way to get a website up and running without learning the skills of a web developer.

Note, that’s an affiliate link, so feel free to snoop around on their site to find the Wix ADI on your own if you don’t want to support this channel.

In this video, we’re going to learn how to build a website with HTML.
In this tutorial html is the hero and we’ll learn just how simple it is to get started…you really only need to learn a few words!

The whole course:
Web Dev 1: How to set up your computer for web development

Also watch: “Responsive Design Tutorial – Tips for making web sites look great on any device”




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