Jason Lotito – Beyond PHP & MySQL: What to Learn Next – php[world] 2014
Tutorial recording from our php[world] 2014 Conference in Washington, D.C. on November 12th, 2015
Speaker: Jason Lotito
Bio: Jason Lotito is a Senior Application Architect at MeetMe.com, the leading social discovery platform for meeting new people. He spends most of his time focusing on the systems performance and stability. When he’s not at work, he could be found as the Bucks County Tech meetup organizer, or as the co-organizer for the Lehigh Valley PHP user group. He is also a husband, and a father of two wonderful boys, Joseph and Julian. In honor of 4 brave individuals who spoke out at php[tek] 2014 Mental Health Summit, Jason also has both ADHD and OCD, making life just a bit more interesting.
Title: Beyond PHP & MySQL: What to learn next
Abstract: So, you’ve learned PHP. You’ve learned MySQL. And you know enough of CSS and JavaScript to be dangerous. Congrats! But what should you learn next? In this 3 hour session, Jason will cover what you should spend your time learning after PHP and MySQL. He’ll spend time covering topics such as application architecture, caching techniques, how to use message brokers, monitoring techniques, and other technologies that can be used alongside PHP. The goal of this talk is to give you real techniques you can apply right away, and allow you to take your skills as a developer to the next level.