#90 Make E-com in Laravel 5.6 / 5.7 | Work on Admin Panel | View Order Details | Ordered Products

In Part-90, we are going to work on orders section in admin panel once again and this time we are going to show billing, shipping address and ordered products in order details blade file in admin panel.

1) Update viewOrder function :-
We need to update viewOrder function to get the billing details of the user and return to order details blade file. Shipping details are already coming in orders table so we can use it in order details blade file.

2) Update order_details.blade.php file :-

Now update order_details.blade.php file to show Billing and Shipping addresses of the customer.

Check in video, Billing and Shipping Addresses are coming fine.

Now we will show ordered products like we have shown at frontend. Open user_order_details.blade.php file and copy complete table content from there including foreach loop that we have used to show all ordered products.

Create another div with row-fluid class and paste table that we have copied from user_order_details.blade.php file as shown in video.

Show more information in Order details like Order Total, Shipping Charges, Coupon Code, Coupon Amount and Payment Method.

Make one more both for Update Order status that we are going to work on in next video. Admin can able to update the order status from there. So stay tune for next video.

Thanks for watching 🙂



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