Hardcore coding session: Troy Fletcher Live Stream w/ Mechanical Keyboards, tmux, vim

Hitting deadlines, minimal chatting! TIMESTAMPS:
36:59 I don’t know you! That’s my purse!
2:25 “I’m a rocket”????
2:29 Livestreamed coffee spill prediction [fail]
3:30 Notes from past Troy
4:53 I use a stylus on paper to no effect.
5:10 Things get fun-KAY
7:38 Freudian slip: All users are suspects
10:24 Actually integrated a vim shortcut from earlier stream (gp)
10:43 Now the brace hurts my thumb??? (ALSO: the glove comes off and I type F A S T)
13:00 The “O” in Tmux is for rOOOOtate
14:47 I don’t even know.
15:00 “fu” in vim is move cursor forward to “u” in current line!
15:27 “C’mon! Try to keep up, computer!”
15:47 Don’t need you or you or [guitar wail] yoooooooooou????
16:30 “That’s a negative, Ghost Rider.”
17:58 gp drop it one– how you learn vim!
18:35 I’m just doin’ stuff until it works
19:01 The answers must be on the ceiling
19:54 I finish a run, then start another type of run
20:13 Who keeps moving my mug?
20:28 Snap-WOO
20:37 Double snap to finger guns
20:47 The music takes control! [I love this stuff]
22:08 Visy McVisitor (Esq.)
22:43 “DONE” syntax highlighting: PATENT PENDING
23:00 tap tap taptaptap- BAH BAH BAH!
23:25 How to get paid
23:41 I DO have sticky notes, and they match my new color scheme!
23:58 Pen test (no, the other kind)
24:20 Neon orange glows under the blue light! Neon, man!
24:36 How to think backwards physically and musically
26:16 The CT is just messing with me at this point
26:55 The mouse control on QMK sucks [or it sucks compared to Easy AVR]
27:29 “Correct” uses for incognito mode
28:03 I’m always surprised when I’m smart
29:17 That was a weird color!
30:46 Skipping breaks is always bad idea
31:20 Coffee and dancing
32:12 I need a revolver.
32:34 Sticky note TODOs on the monitor work great!
33:24 I have too many keyboards
37:13 Bleh blah blah bleh REVOKE!
37:33 My brain breaks abruptly.
41:14 Be cool, Honey Bunny
41:25 The best bugs are the bugs you recognize before they become bugs
43:20 When your daughter resets the pens on your OneNote
43:50 Vordhosbn?
46:06 I argue with myself
46:21 Who did I do this to? I did it to myself D:
46:53 Tough problems require pacing
48:40 [Stubble scraping intensifies]
50:42 Gosh, now I’m playing with my lip.
52:50 Oh no, I’m pacing again…
53:45 I stare at the wall then point in the air.
59:00 That’s a lot of plates
1:10:10 “Make it dance” means switching between two similar files
1:11:55 “Noo! Why are you– HAHAH!– wait…”
1:12:08 Balancing the Force with sand
1:15:04 SSSSSSSsssssssssssssssSSSSssSSssSSSssssss
1:16:20 I did not hit her!
[Extended bug confusion]
1:25:00 Copy code so you don’t have to worry about syntax
1:25:57 Bug solved. Angrily.
1:30:57 The satisfaction of crumpling sticky note TODOs
1:33:02 “I didn’t spill coffee all over everything!”
1:35:10 The original fidget spinner!
1:38:02 It is wednesday, my dudes.
1:38:18 “and AAAAAAAAAAAAA is also active. Color is ‘d'”
1:40:53 More ASCII art is always the answer
1:42:41 Can you push the button?
1:45:36 A wild Sweetie appears!
1:53:20 Code is like plants
1:57:30 nope nope nope nope nope
2:13:34 How do I negative variable bool?
2:17:00 More victorious post-it crumpling
2:17:45 This is a bad commit. I’m sorry.
2:19:30 I close my eyes for a few seconds and someone’s under my desk!
2:20:08 Fighting with the updated login at bitbucket
2:21:21 Typing on the laptop with the mic makes good ASMR

Gotta hustle if you want to make it. Self taught freelance programmer of 18 years with kids, church, and a full time job, the mornings are where the time comes from.

This is my new standing desk setup running a refurb $150 thinkpad x200, and a refurb $60 vertical monitor (hp e221i). The desk cost more than what’s on it. That plus the server at $10/month is a cheap setup to do work that pays for itself and the kids’ dentist bills.


Primary Keyboard: Signum 2: http://troyfletcher.net/keyboard_sales.html
Primary Split: Iris: http://keeb.io

Vim Synthwave Colorscheme https://github.com/TroyFletcher/vim-colors-synthwave
Flying into the depth of Mandelbox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhMdL4kSnsg



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