Advanced PHP tutorial 9: Autoload your classes PSR-0

In PHP the most common way to load a class from a different file is to require_once or include_once. The problem with this approach is that you need to manually add each file. What if a file is not used? You still added it, which takes up time and memory. What if the order of your includes change? More manual work for you…

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The solution is to use composer and its handy autoloader feature. You can autoload classes and namespaces using the PSR-0 or PSR-4 standards, and structure your modules in a way similar to how Java does it (directory structure matches namespace/package structure).

The result is simple, easy, and elegant: at the top of your PHP scripts/application, simply include the vendor/autoload.php file, and anything you reference at run time is lazily loaded into memory, and subsequent objects are then loaded and instantiated.

Any time you add/remove a namespace to your modules, re-run the command “composer install” or “composer update” so that the autoload files are created again.

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