5 Stages of Coding Career Development

Full article available here: http://wp.me/p1MVYs-EU

A few years ago, I was really lost in my coding career. I had spent so much time mastering the technical aspects of coding that I never gave any thought to my career as a whole.

And as I was becoming more and more comfortable with the technical side, I began to wonder…

What’s next?

Where do I go from there and how do I get there?

As I searched for answers, I discovered what I call the 5 stages of coding career development.

Suddenly, my certainty swelled. I knew exactly where I was and what I need to focus on… and I was able to quickly move to the next stage… which mean more income and more freedom.

Now, in this video, I’m going to share that exact same information with you so you can get the same kind of results I did



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